
陈晶晶 Jin, 戏剧导演、演员、戏剧构作,广州美术学院、华南农业大学艺术学院客座讲师,广东电视台教育中心特邀表演教师,拥有英国萨里大学 Guildford School of Acting 戏剧导演硕士研究生学位和新加坡跨文化戏剧学院 Intercultural Theatre Institut 跨文化表演专业文凭。 自进行剧场实践以来,与不同国家、地区及不同领域的创作者跨界合作,探索文本、肢体、多媒体、视觉艺术和音乐之间的戏剧融合。
导演肢体剧场作品《小薇》受邀“2021年北京南锣鼓巷戏剧节”、受邀“2021年乌镇戏剧节嘉年华”;作品《请问我可以吃掉你吗?》获2021年广州第九届青戏节“优秀综合表演力演出奖”;与智仁实验剧场合作作品《爱情悲剧的基本要素》受邀广州扉美术馆; 2022年,参与湖南省永州歌舞诗剧《此处潇湘》中的《藏真》编导工作;担任上海国际舞蹈中心青孵计划委约作品《实现的梦》(入选《中国舞蹈艺术年鉴(2021-2022))戏剧构作。2023年,受邀阿那亚冬季艺术驻留;受邀担任广州大剧院和智仁实验剧场联合制作作品《面影2.0》戏剧顾问;受邀担任广州美术学院70周年校庆暨毕业季跨媒体光影时装秀《丹青引》开幕肢体导演。担任著名诗人黄礼孩策划的“诗剧的读法”第一季《4.48精神崩溃》(2022年)和第二季《阿基琉斯的花冠》(2023年)的导演,得到多个媒体报导,包括德国哥廷根大学的戏剧刊物《嘤鸣戏剧》。2024年,导演广州云幕剧场首部自制剧《海达·高布乐》。
作为演员,曾参演包括法国著名舞蹈家 Jerome Bel (GALA 厦⻔版,2020)、psychophysical training 大师/戏剧导演 Phillip Zarrilli (Lie With Me, 2019)、爱尔兰剧作家 Kaite O’Reilly (Lie With Me,2019)等多位戏剧导演、学者的作品;曾出演的电影短片《Pu Yun 樸運》(2018) 入选 Euroshorts International Film Festival (华沙,波兰,2018),The Arc Film Festival (美因茨,德国,2019) 和 Dallas Independent Film Festival (得克萨斯州,美国,2019)的影展。
Jin Chen is a theatre director, actor and dramaturg from China. She is also a visiting teacher to Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Arts School of South China University of Agriculture, and Education Center of Guangdong Television Station. Jin graduated from Guildford School of Acting, University of Surrey in the U.K. and Intercultural Theatre Institute in Singapore. She holds a MA in Creative Practice and Direction and a professional diploma in Intercultural Acting. Her practice mainly focuses on exploring the theatrical space across text, movement, multi-media, visual art, music and site. She collaborates with artists from various disciplinaries and regions.
Jin has directed original plays, including May I Eat You Please?, XIAOWEI, The Basic Ingredients of Love Tragedies. Her works have been invited to Nanluoguxiang Theatre Festival and Wuzhen Theatre Festival. Production May I Eat You Please? has won the second place in 2021 Guangzhou Youth Theatre Festival. She also worked as the dramaturg for The Dream of My Realisation (selected into China’s Dance Yearbook (2021-2022)), commissioned by Shanghai International Dance Center. Recently, she was invited to join Aranya Arts Residency. She is also the theatre consultant for Face Shadow 2.0, co-produced by Guangzhou Opera House, and movement director for the opening ceremony of 70th Anniversary of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Jin directed 4.48 Psychosis (written by Sarah Kane) and The Wreath of Achilles (written by honorary citizen of Greece, famous Chinese poet Lan Lan) as the first and second season for series ‘Approaches to Poetic Drama’, founded and produced by awarding-winning Chinese poet Huang Lihai. Her work are reported by various media, including theatre journal YING MING THEATRE from the University of Göttingen, Germany. In 2024, Jin directed Hedda Gabler (written by Henrik Ibsen), the first production produced by Yunmu Theatre, Guangzhou.
Apart from directing, Jin has performed in productions by artists including awarding-winning French choreographer Jerome Bel (GALA, 2020) and internationally renowned theatre practitioner Phillip Zarilli (Lie With Me, 2019). Short film Pu Yun 樸運 Jin acted in has been selected into Euroshorts International Film Festival (Warsaw, Poland, 2018), The Arc Film Festival (Mainz, Germany, 2019), and Dallas Independent Film Festival (Texas, U.S., 2019).